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Napoleon at Waterloo Print and Play

Napoleon at Waterloo is pretty easy to make yourself. Print six pages of rules, six pages of game components and you're almost done.

Napoleon at Waterloo game board 


First, you'll need the game board.

I resized the board to fit on both 4 US letter sized pages as well as 4 European A4 sized pages. The board is divided in 4 corners. Click on each link and you'll see that corner as a jpg. Right-click and 'save as...' to get a copy. You can print the picture on your standard sized paper. Resizing should not be needed. Use your browser's 'back' button to return here.

Napoleon at Waterloo game board 

Next, you'll need the game counters

Both the units and the reinforcement chits used in the variant. Same as above: follow the link and save the picture. Print it on sticker paper or normal paper and glue it to a sheet of cardboard. I used the backside of a blocknote.

Go to the countersheet (png, 2.239 kb)



You'll need a CRT (Combat Results Chart) and a TEC (Terrain Effects Chart). I put them both on 1 page. Double. So you can cut it in half and both you and your opponent both have their own.

Go to the charts sheet (jpg, 667 kb)


Lastly, you need the rules to play Napoleon at Waterloo

You can either go to the Napoleon at Waterloo rules page and print them. The page is printer friendly. As is the site, by the way. Upon printing, the background pics, menu, etc will be hidden, giving you 6 pages of pure rules, needed to play Napoleon at Waterloo. Or you can download them here, which is a pdf of that page.


To make your own Napoleon at Waterloo game, download and print the following and glue the countersheet to hardboard:
Board NW corner - Board NE corner - Board SW corner - Board SE corner - Countersheet - Charts - Rules

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